Friday, March 16, 2007

Link to my real blog

Since I've only used this blog to practice using Blogger software, here is the link to my real blog.

And while I'm at it, to my MySpace account.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Five Days In May: And now I am going to...

Five Days In May: And now I am going to...

Add a picture?

Five Days In May

Five Days In May

This might be how I'm supposed to update the journal, instead of going back out to my profile. Let's see if I can put a picture in here or something.

So here is (I hope) Matt Mays to make me feel better about everything.

And now I am going to...

...whine because updating this damn thing is so roundabout.

Where, I ask you, is my handy "Üpdate journal" link???


ETA: And also, why the heck does the U in UPDATE (and, indeed, everywhere I try to put a U in quotation marks) have an umlaut over it? Is this Spinal Tap, or what???

Second attempt at Blogger use

I'm at the CHLA (Canadian Health Libraries Association) annual meeting in Vancouver, and as part of our "Cool Tools"class we're actually creating blogs.

Or, in my case, trying to get over my fear of using frigging Blogger.

LiveJournal would be so proud of me. Apparently that's the only online journal software I know how to use.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I can't control this thing!

I know this is probably dead easy to use, but I can't seem to figure it out. Instead I'll direct you to my LiveJournal account, where all the fun is had.

Well, such as it is.